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2024 Denko-e Sesshin Retreat

October 1-8, 2024

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Sokukoji will be hosting a Denko-e Sesshin October 1-8, 2024.


Denko-e is Japanese for "Transmission of the Light", which is the traditional name that Sokuzan’s Zen Master, Kobun Chino Otogawa designated for a retreat held in Autumn each year. Each day begins at 5 am and ends at 9 pm, and includes Zazen, kinhin (walking meditation), a work period, a Dharma talk, and other awareness practices. Breakfast and oryoki lunch and dinner will be included. Online participants may participate in all forms including oryoki meals on Zoom.


Zendo Sitting Panorama


The registration rate is $40 per day for online participation and $80 per day for in person. Priority for housing and a 10% discount will be given to those who register and pay by September 3rd. Breakfast and oryoki lunch and dinner will be included. The daily rate does not include dana, or generosity, for the teacher. Participate for any or all of the days. Plan on attending for the whole day. Please contact us if you need financial assistance.


Your spot will be confirmed as soon as we receive payment. You can send checks made out to SokukoJi Buddhist Community (C/O 2024 Denko-e, 33 Anderson Ct., Battle Creek, MI 49017) or make your payment on Zelle/PayPal (2024 Denko-e in memo). You will be sent an orientation letter with the Denko-e Zoom link by September 23rd. If you send your payment in Zelle or PayPal, please email or text us to let us know.



This year's retreat will be coordinated by Yu Dao and Mozuku.  Please direct all questions and considerations to them both at

  • Yu Dao has been practicing at Sokukoji for 9 years and is a fully ordained monk.

  • Mozuku has been a practice resident for 2 years and will be fully ordained as a monk this year.​​


COVID and other illnesses are still a concern during this year's retreat, so please be considerate in not coming if you have any symptoms of any contagion.  Protocol may be modified as we get closer to October.

Please consider using Zelle to pay for your Denko-e Sesshin.

It is a safe bank transfer that does not charge any fees (unlike Wix & Palpal). 

All you need is our email address:

Just be sure to add "Payment for 2024 Denko-e" as a note with the payment. 

Click HERE to go to Zelle's "How It Works" page.


Pay for  2024 Denko-e Sesshin
(Debit/Credit Card or Paypal)


Thank you for your Denko-e Payment!

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