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Chants, Precepts and...

Chants, Precepts and...

Chants, Precepts and...

Chants, Precepts and...


Reference Points
What I’m endeavoring to point to is very challenging and very difficult to see. I’m endeavoring to give your true identity back to you,...

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche brought this concept up to date when he came to the west. I prefer to use the word protector; The ultimate...

A Matrix
Dependent origination is not parts; it’s really more than that. Nagarjuna says, “Neither samsara nor nirvana exist, but all is a complex...

Working with Addictions
Observe what you produce on the cushion and in your life. The thought production is covering up what it is you need to see. Receive...

Observe Your Production
Observe what you produce on the cushion and in your life. The thought production is covering up what it is you need to see. Receive...

The Circle of Thoughts
Just watch the rotation that is trying to seduce you into into some kind of thought pattern of passion, aggression or ignorance. That...

Mountains and Rivers (XXVIII)
This Q & A session begins with a question about the teaching, “Don’t do what you’re told.”

About Enlightened Society
What does it mean to live in a society, a group, a Sangha, in an "Enlightened" way?
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